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Photo Credit: pippalou from morgueFile.com |
Many of you have probably
heard this quote before, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Well, I’ve fallen in love with this quote
because I whole-heartedly believe it to be true.
At a time when I was
feeling eager to conquer some of my fears, a book just so happened to come my
way with the title, “Feel the Fear…and Do
It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers, PhD. (By chance?
I think not.) The title itself has become a mantra for me
by providing strength, hope, and courage.
Fear will always be a part of our lives in one form or another, but
Jeffers suggests that the fears we have don’t have to hold us back. We can push through them with a sense of
power, excitement, joy, and love.
Tucked inside the
two-hundred pages of this encouraging gem of a book are words of inspiration
and tools to help us turn our fears and indecision into power…power to create satisfaction
in our lives. The author shares an
interesting truth about fear. She says
that the only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to just go out
and do it. Jeffers shares that “pushing
through the fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that
comes from a feeling of helplessness.”
I know I’ve mentioned
it before, but an incredibly crucial piece of advice that Jeffers shares is
about our self-talk. She encourages us to change our vocabulary
within from negative to positive. Soooo,
that means…
I can’t becomes I won’t (because I can’t registers
as weak in our subconscious)
should becomes I could (because I should brings guilt and upset and drains emotions)
It’s not my fault becomes I’m totally responsible (because It’s not my fault makes us think like a victim)
It’s a problem becomes It’s
an opportunity (because It’s a problem is heavy and negative)
I hope becomes I know (because I hope sets us up
for worry and sleepless nights while I
know has a peace and calm about it)
It’s terrible becomes It’s a learning experience (because It’s terrible registers as disaster while the other statement
allows us room for growth)
Throughout the book, Jeffers
encourages us to take risks outside of our normal comfort zone. Each time we move out of what feels
comfortable, we become more powerful. As
our power builds, so does our confidence.
Our original comfort zone can expand with each and every step we take outside
of the boundaries we’ve set for ourselves.
As John Shedd says, “Ships in harbor are safe, but that’s not what ships
are built for.” (LOVE that!)
One of the main things
that I took away from the book is the “No-Win” Model vs. the “No-Lose” Model. One of the biggest fears that keeps some of us
from moving forward is our indecision.
We may have been taught to, “Be careful!
You might make a wrong decision!”
Many of us are deathly afraid of making a wrong decision. We panic over the idea of making a
mistake. We want to control the outcome
of everything in our life, so that keeps us petrified when we think about
making a change or attempting a new challenge.
Jeffers says that the
“No-Win” model keeps us standing at a threshold of a decision, lamenting and
– “Should I do this or should I do that?
What if I go this way and that happens?
What if it doesn’t work out the way I plan? What if…”
The crazy thing about the “No-Win” model is that even after a decision
is made, we constantly reassess the situation, hoping we didn’t make a mistake. Ugh! We just can't win. What a vicious cycle…
Jeffers’ “No-Lose”
method, on the other hand, is about two paths, A and B – both of which are
right! Path A and Path B both
“offer opportunities to experience life in a new way, to learn and grow, to
find out who you are and who you would really like to be and what you would
like to do with this life. Each path is
strewn with opportunities, despite the outcome.” Honestly, just thinking in those terms
breathes new life within me. It feels
much more peaceful to think in this manner, doesn’t it?
Jeffers even admits
that her students often remark that the “No-Lose” model seems a bit
unrealistic. Many people equate
negative with “realistic” and positive with “unrealistic.” Why?
Why would we want to continue resisting a “No-Lose” way of
thinking? Jeffers says that a critical
factor in accepting the “No-Lose” model is our mind-set and how we think about
outcomes and opportunities. Once
again…it’s up to us. We choose.
To wrap-up, I thought
this was a cute story from Mikey about retirement and
growing older. The author of this thought-provoking funny just
might have a point…it’s all about our mind-set!
Now that I am getting
older, I have done my research on retirement. I have found that the average
cost for a nursing home is $300.00 per day. I decided that there must be a
better way to deal with getting old and feeble, yet having my needs met. This
is my recommendation:
I have found that I can get a nice room at the local Holiday Inn for $99.00 per day. That leaves $201.00 a day for food (brought directly to you by room service), laundry, gratuities, and special TV movies. This cost includes use of a swimming pool, a lounge, a washer and dryer, and a business center with computers and a copy machine plus a free continental breakfast. They provide free shampoo and soap along with toothbrushes, toothpaste, and razors as required. I will have daily maid service and a free USA Today Monday through Friday.
I have found that I can get a nice room at the local Holiday Inn for $99.00 per day. That leaves $201.00 a day for food (brought directly to you by room service), laundry, gratuities, and special TV movies. This cost includes use of a swimming pool, a lounge, a washer and dryer, and a business center with computers and a copy machine plus a free continental breakfast. They provide free shampoo and soap along with toothbrushes, toothpaste, and razors as required. I will have daily maid service and a free USA Today Monday through Friday.
When I do decide to eat
in the restaurant, I will see different people every day, not the same old
folks that I would see in the dining room of a nursing home. If I join their
frequent travelers “Priority Club,” I will soon accumulate enough points to get
a DVD player or a free trip to Hawaii.
There may be a bit of a wait to get a first floor room, but that’s okay because most of the time it takes months to get into a decent nursing home. The Holiday Inn has a handicapped equipped bus (if you fake a good enough limp), access to a church bus, cabs, and even the regular bus. Occasionally, for a change for lunch or dinner, I can take the airport bus and eat in one of the restaurants there.
Holiday Inn has security at night and if someone sees you fall, they will call an ambulance that should arrive promptly in five to seven minutes. They have 24/7 visiting hours. As a bonus, they offer senior discounts. What more can you ask for?
My conclusion: When I reach those golden retirement years, please help me keep my grin. Just pack my bags and drop me off at our local Holiday Inn.
There may be a bit of a wait to get a first floor room, but that’s okay because most of the time it takes months to get into a decent nursing home. The Holiday Inn has a handicapped equipped bus (if you fake a good enough limp), access to a church bus, cabs, and even the regular bus. Occasionally, for a change for lunch or dinner, I can take the airport bus and eat in one of the restaurants there.
Holiday Inn has security at night and if someone sees you fall, they will call an ambulance that should arrive promptly in five to seven minutes. They have 24/7 visiting hours. As a bonus, they offer senior discounts. What more can you ask for?
My conclusion: When I reach those golden retirement years, please help me keep my grin. Just pack my bags and drop me off at our local Holiday Inn.
After that little
giggle, I’d like for you to join me this week in feeling the fear…and doing it
anyway. Let’s go for it, Sunshines! We can do it!
Choose Path A or choose Path B…either way…it’s up to us on how we’ll
view the outcomes and opportunities for growth along the way. Honestly, it’s a win-win!